To book an appointment, please call us on ....... or you can request an appointment online using this form.

We will only accept patients referred by a clinician/specialist physiotherapist. This is to ensure that the specialist you are seeing is appropriate for you and your condition.

We accept patients who have private medical insurance and self pay patients. Those with medical insurance should consult with their provider before booking an appointment to ensure that they have appropriate cover. Self pay patients are advised to contact regarding fees and payment.

For your initial consultation you will need to bring a referral letter from your clinician if required.

Here is check list for your initial consultation:

  • Insurance information if applicable
  • Referral Letter (if required)
  • Copies of results, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, etc. and any other relevant information
  • List of medications (if any)

We encourage you to come to your initial consultation with a written list of questions to ensure you don’t forget to ask them when you visit the doctor.

Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. Our staff are bound by strict confidentiality requirements as a condition of employment regarding your medical records.

The post-operative recovery period is dependent on the treatment performed. Generally, it is recommended patients take two days off of work to recover from any minimally invasive procedure and to resume light duty on recommencing work. Your consultant will give you specific instructions to follow at the time of treatment.

Most treatments require the patient to remains in the clinic for 30 mins after the procedure has finished.  During this time, you will be kept under review by a member of the nursing team.

You should wait at least 24hours before driving after treatment. The effects of the local anaesthetic can affect sensation/reflexes and therefore your ability to drive safely.

We offer referral to specialist physiotherapy services who can provide therapeutic interventions and exercise programmes tailored to each individual needs.

You are welcome to bring a friend or family member to the consultation however they will not be able to remain present during the treatment/intervention due to the use of x-rays.